Book Marks
Imagine a library holding all the significant books you have ever read. Imagine a miniature version of that library...your mind. To make physically manifest this vision, I create library charge cards representing books that have made an impression on me. I mark them with drawings, rubber stamping, and collage elements encoding my recollections of the book each card represents. The completed cards are filed in an old library case now labeled BOOK MARKS.

  • Page01-BM
    File case
    12.5” x 13.5” x 4.5”
  • Page03-BM
    Paper, ink, rubber stamp, collage, colored pencil
    Each card 3” x 5”
  • Book Marks Array 21
    Paper, ink, rubber stamp, collage, colored pencil
    Each card 3” x 5”
  • Page05-BM
    The Center for Book Arts, New York, NY
  • Page06-BM
    Paper, ink, rubber stamp, collage, colored pencil
    Each card 3” x 5”
  • Book Marks Array 21-23
    Paper, ink, rubber stamp, collage, colored pencil
    Each card 3” x 5”
  • Page07-BM
    Paper, ink, rubber stamp, collage, colored pencil
    Each card 3” x 5”
  • Page-BM130-w
    Paper, ink, rubber stamp, collage, colored pencil
    Each card 3” x 5”